Meet Results
Welcome Coaches, Parents and Athletes!
On this page you will find very important information concerning the upcoming season. The final season schedule of meet locations and time schedules is posted at the bottom of the page. Additionally please note the following important items:
- Coaches must register their teams and pay your team deposit by no later than September 6th by using the link below.
- Coaches must download the athlete registration sheet and submit via email to me no later that September 6th.
- ABOUT COVID 19: Coaches and parents must view and carefully follow both the Ohio Department of Health Director’s Order that Provides Mandatory Requirements for Youth, Collegiate, Amateur, Club and Professional Sports and the OATCCC Covid-19 Return To Competition Guidelines links which are located below.
Please contact me at any time with questions that you may have either at dlancian22@gmail.com or (330) 352-5602. Thank you.
Coach Dan Lancianese
Register My Team / Pay Deposit